Legal Notices / CGU


Welcome to, your best choice for digital products and online services. We specialize in streaming, video games and software, we offer a wide range of related services. We offer a variety of cheaper, high-quality streaming services and offer the option to connect users to these services with friends, family and other contacts, offering comprehensive management of them.

Why choose us?

We understand that the digital market is full of tempting offers, some of which may be fraudulent or illegal. Therefore, we want to emphasize that all our services are completely legal and authentic. We distance ourselves from illegal practices such as the sale of stolen, computer-infringed or unauthorized services, and we strive to offer an ethical and reliable service.



  1. Identification of the company:

Better-Price LLC («») es una entidad de responsabilidad limitada registrada en el estado de Delaware, Estados Unidos, especializada en la gestión de servicios relacionados con las plataformas de streaming, videojuegos y software. Cumplimos con todas las bases legales requeridas por el estado de Delaware. Nuestro domicilio físico es 2424 W. Brandon Blvd. #1435, Brandon, FL 33511, United States. Para cualquier consulta, puedes contactarnos a

  1. Website Users:

Access and use of this website makes you a USER, and you agree to comply with the conditions established here.

  1. Use of the Website: focuses on the management of streaming platforms, video games, software and related services. It is the USER's responsibility to use this website ethically and legally in the relevant countries.

  1. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights:

All elements of the site are property of Better-Price LLC and are protected by industrial and intellectual property laws.

  1. Disclaimer:

Better-Price LLC will not be liable for any damages or losses of any nature that may arise from the use of this website.

  1. Changes to the Website:

We reserve the right to modify the content and services offered on this website without prior notice.

  1. Links to Third Parties:

If this website contains links to external sites, we have no control over those sites and are not responsible for their content.

  1. Right of Exclusion:

Better-Price LLC reserves the right to ban or remove access to the website of any user who violates our terms of use.

  1. Legal actions:

We will take appropriate legal action against any user who violates these conditions.

  1. Modifications to the Conditions:

Better-Price LLC may update these terms at any time. Any changes will be posted on this website.




1.  Affair

El Sitio es una plataforma que reúne a los usuarios (en adelante los «Propietarios») que tienen suscripciones (en adelante las «Suscripciones») a un cierto número de sitios y plataformas de entretenimiento ofrecidos por distribuidores (en adelante los «Distribuidores») y que pueden beneficiar a varios usuarios, y a los usuarios que desean suscribirse a uno o más de estos sitios y plataformas (en adelante los «Suscriptores»).

Asunto Las presentes condiciones generales de uso se aplican sin restricción ni reserva alguna a todos los servicios ofrecidos por Better Price en el sitio web (en adelante, el «Sitio»).


2.  Descripción de los servicios

Este texto describe los servicios proporcionados por BetterPrice en su sitio web. BetterPrice ofrece a los usuarios la posibilidad de compartir sus suscripciones a servicios de entretenimiento con otros usuarios. Hay diversos propietarios de suscripciones pueden ofrecerlas para que otros usuarios las utilicen, y BetterPrice actúa como intermediario en este proceso. Los propietarios deben asegurarse de que las suscripciones que buscan cumplan con las condiciones de los distribuidores. Si un compra una suscripción, el comprador recibe unas instrucciones de forma manual, que son el servicio que BetterPrice para la gestión del acceso a la suscripción. Los propietarios también pueden compartir sus suscripciones de forma privada con personas de su elección depende de si el servicio adquirido lo permite, y BetterPrice actúa como intermediario de pago en esta relación.


3.  Payment conditions

Payment for the subscription is made by credit/debit card, transfer or other payment methods reflected on the website. BetterPrice is only the intermediary for buyers to acquire the services in their name, facilitating this management. Stripe is the payment gateway in charge of payments.


4. Buyer conditions

The buyer undertakes to comply with laws and regulations, respecting the rights of third parties and public order when using the Services. Read and understand the features and limitations of the Services, taking responsibility for your interactions with other users and the information shared. Do not modify information related to the owner's subscription on the distributor's site, maintain the confidentiality of your username and password, and use them exclusively for personal use. Use the subscription only in the geographic area specified by the distributor and notify the owner of any connection attempts outside that area. Be the rightful owner of the subscription offered on the site and offer subscriptions that allow multiple users to connect and that are subscribed in your country of residence. BetterPrice reserves the right to suspend access in the event of non-compliance.

The user is responsible for all content shared on the Services, including text, images and usernames. You must ensure that you have the necessary rights and authorizations to share this content and that they comply with applicable laws and regulations. Content such as pornographic, defamatory, false, offensive, violent, racist material, or material that may damage the image of third parties, as well as any content that promotes illegal activities or is harmful to computer systems, is prohibited. In short, the user must be responsible and ethical when sharing content on the Services, avoiding any action that violates the rights of third parties or legal regulations.

The user should note that the Services are an additional option and do not replace other available ways to access Reseller Subscriptions. It is essential to understand that using these Services requires a quality Internet connection, for which the user is solely responsible.


5.  Seller conditions

Responsibility for Contents and Contracts: Better Price assumes no responsibility for the Content shared by Users, who are considered third parties, and any problem or claim related to such Content should be directed to the authors thereof. Better Price acts as an intermediary and is not involved in the agreements between users.

Regulatory Compliance and Obligations: Better Price is a registered payment service provider and meets specific requirements in that regard. You are not responsible for temporary interruptions to the website due to maintenance or other circumstances beyond your control.

Quality of Services: Better Price cannot ensure that the Services are completely error-free and will meet all the needs and expectations of Users. Its liability is limited to direct damages suffered by Users. Better Price encourages Users to provide feedback to improve the quality of transactions made through the Services.


6.  Intellectual property

The systems, software, structures, infrastructures, databases and content of all types (such as texts, images, visual elements, music, logos, brands, databases, etc.) operated by Better Price on the Site are protected by the intellectual property rights and the rights of current database producers. Any attempt to disassemble, decompile, decrypt, extract, reuse, copy, or generally any act of reproduction, representation, distribution or use of these elements, whether in whole or in part, without the authorization of Better Price, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.


7.  Geographic restrictions

There is no need to comply with geographic restrictions, unless streaming platforms require them in their terms and conditions. If a user uses streaming services in a country not authorized by the platform and this violates its terms, the responsibility falls on the user. Each platform has its own terms and conditions that users must respect, and any violation is the user's responsibility.

The corresponding countries for each service are the following: Disney+ (Argentina), Netflix (Turkey), HBO (Argentina), Prime Video (Argentina), YouTube Premium (Turkey), SkyShowtime (Romania), HiFi (Argentina), Apple TV and Crunchyroll (Argentina). This Legal Notice is governed by the laws applicable in the location of our headquarters. Any dispute relating to the Services shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts therein. By purchasing and using the Services through our Website, you accept and understand the terms and conditions established in this Legal Notice, including the clause on the use of streaming services and geographical restrictions. If you do not agree to these terms, we recommend that you do not purchase or use the Services through our Website.


8.  Applicable law

This Legal Notice is governed by the laws applicable in the location of our headquarters. Any dispute relating to streaming platforms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts there.

By purchasing and using Gift Cards, you accept and understand the terms and conditions established in this Legal Notice. If you do not agree to these terms, we recommend that you do not purchase or use our services.




Este Aviso Legal regula el uso y la compra de tarjetas de regalo ofrecidas por Better-Price LLC («Tarjetas de Regalo») a través de nuestro sitio web o cualquier otro canal de venta. Al adquirir y utilizar las Tarjetas de Regalo, usted acepta cumplir con los términos y condiciones establecidos a continuación:

  1. Worldwide sales:

Gift Cards are sold to customers around the world. However, it is the customer's responsibility to ensure that the use of Gift Cards complies with local laws and regulations in their country of residence. We do not guarantee that Gift Cards are valid or usable in all countries, and we are not responsible for any failure to comply with local laws by the customer.

  1. Use of Gift Cards:

Each customer is responsible for their use of Gift Cards. Gift Cards are issued and administered by the companies that issued them or their respective affiliates, and are subject to their terms and conditions. We have no control over the use or redemption of Gift Cards after purchase. Customer must review and accept the terms and conditions of Netflix, Amazon and Google Play before using Gift Cards.

  1. Responsabilidad:

No asumimos ninguna responsabilidad por el uso indebido de las Tarjetas de Regalo por parte del cliente, incluyendo su uso en violación de los términos y condiciones de Netflix, Amazon o Google Play. Además, no somos responsables de ninguna pérdida, robo o daño de las Tarjetas de Regalo después de la compra.

  1. Derecho de cancelación:

Las Tarjetas de Regalo son productos digitales y no reembolsables. Una vez realizada la compra, no se aceptarán devoluciones ni reembolsos, a menos que estemos legalmente obligados a hacerlo.

5Authorized Distributor of Netflix Gift Cards through Refacil:

Somos distribuidores oficiales de tarjetas de regalo de Netflix a través de la empresa Refacil. Las tarjetas de regalo de Netflix que ofrecemos son auténticas y válidas para su uso en la plataforma de streaming de Netflix. Si bien somos distribuidores autorizados, no estamos directamente afiliados a Netflix. Cualquier consulta o problema relacionado con las tarjetas de regalo debe ser gestionado directamente con el soporte de Refacil o con el servicio de atención al cliente de Netflix.

6. Ownership of Third Party Logos and Informational Use:

The logos and trademarks of third-party companies that may appear on our Website are the exclusive property of their respective owners. We use these third-party logos solely for informational and descriptive purposes to identify the products or services related to the Gift Cards we offer. We are not owners of or affiliated with any of these third-party companies and have no control over their products, services, or policies.

We assume no responsibility for the use that visitors to our Website may make of third-party logos or the information provided in connection with these logos. Any unauthorized use of third party logos will be the sole responsibility of the user and will be subject to applicable laws and regulations.

This Legal Notice is governed by the laws applicable in the location of our headquarters. Any dispute relating to Gift Cards shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts therein.

By continuing to use our Website, you accept and understand the terms and conditions set forth in this Legal Notice, including the informative use of third-party logos. If you do not agree to these terms, we recommend that you do not use our Website.

7. Relationship with Distributors:

We wish to inform our customers that the distributors of the Gift Cards we offer are not our direct platforms, but rather companies that collaborate with third-party companies to provide their products and services. These distribution companies are independent entities and are not affiliated with us. We act solely as intermediaries to facilitate the acquisition of Gift Cards through our sales channels.

We are not responsible for the products or services provided by distributors, and any issues related to the distribution, delivery, refund or after-sales service of Gift Cards should be directed to the relevant distributor company. We have no control over the policies, procedures or business practices of distributors and do not guarantee the availability of products or services through them.

8. Applicable law:

This Legal Notice is governed by the laws applicable in the location of our headquarters. Any dispute relating to Gift Cards shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts therein.

By purchasing and using Gift Cards, you accept and understand the terms and conditions established in this Legal Notice. If you do not agree to these terms, we recommend that you do not purchase or use Gift Cards.




Este Aviso Legal regula el uso y la adquisición de la gestión de los servicios de plataformas de streaming, videojuegos y software («Servicios») a través de nuestro sitio web u otros canales de venta. Al adquirir y utilizar los Servicios, usted acepta cumplir con los términos y condiciones establecidos a continuación:

1. Worldwide sales:

The Services are sold to customers around the world. However, it is the customer's responsibility to ensure that use of the Services complies with local laws and regulations in their country of residence. We do not guarantee that the Services are available or compatible in all countries, and we are not responsible for any failure by the customer to comply with local laws.

2. Use of the Services:

Each customer is responsible for their use of the Services. The Services are provided by third party companies, such as streaming platforms, video game companies and software developers, and are subject to their terms and conditions. We have no control over the content, functionality or policies of these third party companies. Customer must review and accept the terms and conditions of third-party companies before using the Services.

3. Responsibility:

We assume no responsibility for the customer's misuse of the Services, including their use in violation of the terms and conditions of third-party companies. Additionally, we are not responsible for any loss, theft, or damage to the Services after purchase.

4. Derecho de cancelación:

Los Servicios son productos digitales y no reembolsables. Una vez realizada la compra, no se aceptarán devoluciones ni reembolsos, a menos que estemos legalmente obligados a hacerlo.

5. Propiedad de Logos de Terceros y Uso Informativo:

Los logos y marcas registradas de las empresas de terceros, como las plataformas de streaming, las compañías de videojuegos y los desarrolladores de software, que puedan aparecer en nuestro Sitio Web son propiedad exclusiva de sus respectivos titulares. Utilizamos estos logos de terceros únicamente con fines informativos y descriptivos para identificar los Servicios que ofrecemos. No somos propietarios ni estamos afiliados a ninguna de estas empresas de terceros y no tenemos control sobre sus productos, servicios o políticas.

We assume no responsibility for the use that visitors to our Website may make of third-party logos or the information provided in connection with these logos. Any unauthorized use of third party logos will be the sole responsibility of the user and will be subject to applicable laws and regulations.

6. Relationship with Distributors:

We wish to inform our customers that the distributors of the Services we offer are not our direct platforms, but rather companies that collaborate with third-party companies to provide their products and services. These distribution companies are independent entities and are not affiliated with us. We act solely as intermediaries to facilitate the acquisition of the Services through our sales channels.

We are not responsible for the products or services provided by distributors, and any matter related to the distribution, delivery, refund or after-sales service of the Services should be directed to the relevant distributor company. We have no control over the policies, procedures or business practices of distributors and do not guarantee the availability of products or services through them.

This Legal Notice is governed by the laws applicable in the location of our headquarters. Any dispute relating to the Services shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts therein.

By purchasing and using the Services through our Website, you accept and understand the terms and conditions established in this Legal Notice, including points on the ownership of third-party logos, the informative use of logos, the relationship with distributors and the sale of software. If you do not agree to these terms, we recommend that you do not purchase or use the Services through our Website.




En Better Price, nuestra prioridad es la satisfacción de nuestros clientes con cada compra. Entendemos que pueden surgir situaciones en las que quieras solicitar un reembolso. Nuestra política de reembolsos se diseñó teniendo en mente tus necesidades, al mismo tiempo que se equilibran con las operativas de nuestra empresa.

Elegibilidad para Reembolsos

Los productos digitales como las tarjetas de regalo para servicios de entretenimiento no pueden ser devueltos una vez que se han entregado debido a la naturaleza de estos productos. Sin embargo, ofrecemos reembolsos en circunstancias específicas:

  1. Producto no entregado: Si no has recibido el producto dentro del tiempo estimado de entrega indicado en tu confirmación de pedido, puedes ser elegible para un reembolso.
  2. Producto no válido: En el caso de que el código de la tarjeta de regalo no funcione o ya haya sido utilizado, y esto pueda ser verificado por nuestro equipo de soporte.
  3. Compra accidental: Si has comprado accidentalmente un producto y no has revelado o usado el código, podrías ser elegible para un reembolso.

Proceso de Reembolso

Para solicitar un reembolso, por favor sigue los siguientes pasos:

  1. Contacta con Soporte: Envía un correo electrónico a nuestro equipo de soporte dentro de los 14 días posteriores a la fecha de compra. Proporciona tu número de pedido, la razón de la solicitud de reembolso y cualquier evidencia relevante (por ejemplo, capturas de pantalla).
  2. Revisión: Nuestro equipo revisará tu solicitud basándose en la información proporcionada. Podemos contactarte para obtener información adicional si es necesario.
  3. Resultado: Te informaremos sobre el resultado de tu solicitud de reembolso en un plazo de 7 días hábiles. Si tu solicitud es aprobada, el reembolso se procesará mediante el método de pago original.


Ten en cuenta que no podemos ofrecer reembolsos en las siguientes circunstancias:

  • Si el código de la tarjeta de regalo ha sido revelado o utilizado.
  • Si la solicitud de reembolso se realiza más de 14 días después de la fecha de compra.
  • Si el producto fue marcado como «oferta final» o «no reembolsable» en el momento de la compra.

Cambios en la Política de Reembolsos

Better Price se reserva el derecho de modificar esta política de reembolsos en cualquier momento. Cualquier cambio será efectivo inmediatamente después de su publicación en nuestro sitio web. Te recomendamos revisar regularmente esta política para estar al tanto de cualquier actualización.


Si tienes preguntas sobre nuestra política de reembolsos, por favor no dudes en contactar con nuestro equipo de soporte a través de [correo electrónico/contacto en la web].


2424 W. Brandon Blvd. #1435
Brandon, FL 33511
United States